web design & development

proDmedia specialise in bespoke website design and development and search engine optimisation (SEO). proDmedia designs and codes all our websites in house, we don’t farm it out to other companies or countries and because we develop all our sites in house we can act / provide advice quickly to any request you may have.

We have a wealth of experience in website design and development that ensures all of the websites we produce are not only designed and developed to the highest standard but actually work for your business. We offer our clients the complete solution an innovative design built by our in-house web designers, a user friendly layout, encouraged lead generation, high search engine rankings and most importantly, great customer service.

quote mark friendly, efficient and professional! quote mark
Rebecca Mander Sales & Marketing Director at Byron
professional dynamic systems
Take control of your websites content without having to employ an expensive webdesign agency each time. Suitable for non-technical users with 24/7 access.
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professionally designed hosting packages
Take the hassle out of web hosting with one of our managed hosting solutions, so you can concentrate on building your online presence.
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